Thank you for your interest in Pickleball Cruise 2025!
Below is a link to download our booking information packet. This has all the details for our group cruise space available. Please keep in mind, we can get any cabin available on the ship, if you would like a cabin category not in our group space, just let us know and we can look for something that works for you! Once we have final pricing for the optional pickleball excursions, will wil let everyone know!
Please review and look for the link to begin the booking process.
If you’d like to book, Click Here to Begin Booking Process. Once we receive your registrations forms (One for each passenger) We will contact you to finalize!
When you are done, be sure to follow our Pickleball Cruise Facebook Page to meet others, talk about the Cruise, Pickleball or both!
Be sure to invite your fellow Pickleball friends and clubs as well, just send them to Pickleballcruisetours.com!
Please Share with Friends!
Email, Text, Facebook, Instagram, Slack, Fax, Carrier Pigeon, however you communicate with your Pickleball family, be sure and let them know about Pickleball Cruise! Send them to www.pickleballcruisetours.com for more information